Monday, November 26, 2012

Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkey

Common Name:Yellow tailed woolly monkey
Scientific Name:Orenax flavicauda
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Family: Atelidae


The Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkey can he found in the Peruvian Ande Mountains.
Diet- The diet contains leaves, fruits and plants. Also in the diet they eat the roots from the plants the pedals from the flowers. This is where the animals get most of the flavor from their diet.

Physical Attributes:

The average size of the monkey of two feet tall, but the average size of the tail tends to be a little bit longer than the size of the animal itself. The wieght of this monkey on average is 20 lbs. The size and wieght of the males and females are similar in this species. The color of that the monkey inherited is dark redish-brown. This monkey is different from other woolly monkies by the yellow band on the underside of the tail.

Social Behavior:

 The Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkey lives in groups from as small as four monkies and as large as 30 monkies. There is always a dominant male in the group no matter the size.


One of the largest threats to this species is human life itself. Humans are logging these areas to build new places for people to live, new roads, and illegal hunting of these animals are leading to the extinction.


To help these animals you can vist the EDGE community by vistiting,
By clicking on this link you can learn more about helping the Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkey be more protected, and live a long life.


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